I took a parenting class at church and it addressed bribes and how we should't bribe our children. It addressed the many verses on bribing and what the Bible said. I thought of all the times I bribed Kai into going on errands with me using a lollipop. I just didn't want to deal with all the tantrums and such. So I cut out the bribes and resorted to discipline and I'm amazed to say that the tantrums don't happen too much anymore.
Which brings me to potty training. How do you potty train and not bribe? Certainly you can't use discipline to get them to use the potty. (believe me I've tried and it went like this "get on the potty or you're sitting in time out! Kai spit at me or something like that) For Kai it's a big control issue and every one of his friends are potty trained now but him. I tried potty training him 2 months ago and he was screaming and kicking when I mentioned him using the potty. Which brings us to last week when my church said he can not move up to the 3 year old room with his friends until he is potty trained and turns 3. Well his birthday is in 2 weeks and he gets really sad about not being with his friends. So I went against everything I was taught in the class and used M&M's as a bribe. I'm happy to say that he has done amazingly in 1 weeks time and went poop all by himself today while I was cleaning.
So maybe potty training bribes are okay but I do tend to wonder if he'll be 5 years old and I'll still have to give him a piece of candy for peeing and a toy car if he poops. Please tell me he will forget about those rewards at some point and what does that transition look like?