Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

(Getting our Christmas tree) We had to go in the 20 degree weather to saw down our own tree. After walking a few miles to find the "perfect" tree we settled on a crooked tree. Well we didn't know it was crooked until we got home and put it up and it leaned entirely on the wall for support! I was devestated that our perfect tree has such a handicap. Devin got out the saw (we didn't own one so he went to Menards to buy one) and took our 8 foot tree to 6 feet. It's still crooked but it will do. We made the educated decision to buy a fake one for next year to avoid the frost bite and frustrations during our pleasant tree outing as a family :)

The kids opened their gifts. 3 each representing the three wise men. They played with them for a whole 10 minutes was worth it.


Anonymous said...

that's so sweet ! it's so awesome that you and your family really go somewhere to saw down your christmas tree =) you have adorable kids by the way .

cherimarie said...

Thank you! It was an experience we hope we don't have to do again! However all trees were $30 which I think is a GREAT deal!

A. said...

Awww - looks like you had a nice Christmas. And hey, a white one. :)

I see you changed the look of your blog. Is the heart shaped hands on the belly for any reason in particular? :)

cherimarie said...

Heart shaped hands just represents me being pregnant but NOT right now!

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