Friday, July 2, 2010

Thankfulness Day 142:: Encouragement for today

I've been in a slump.  Don't you agree?  I think I may be on my way out of it!  I got this devotion today and it put me in tears.  It's just what I needed to hear to keep the faith no matter what comes my way or doesn't!

I hope it blesses you as it has me:

The Call of Abraham

    ...And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, "Unto thy seed will
    I give this land: and there built he an altar unto the Lord, who
    appeared unto him."  --Genesis 12:7

Am I not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Did I abandon Abraham when
I asked him to leave his homeland, his family and go to the place that
I marked out for him?  And did he not experience famine, disappointment
and trials on the way? It is true that he experienced this before he
even arrived at his destination, yet he continued on this path that I
set before him. He went forward as I called him for he knew that I am a
God of great promise and provision. I called him to be the father of
many nations...and so it was.

Now, I am calling you in this same way that I called Abraham. Do not
see your 'famine in the land' as a burden too great for Me to handle.
What appears as a very large conflict in your sight is but a small one
in Mine, for I see all things from the beginning to the end. I am
omniscient and omnipresent, and I see from every angle.

There is nothing hidden from My sight, and nothing in your heart that
I don't see. Keep your faith strong in Me, for I will cause all things
to be known to you in due time. You will know what it is I ask of you.
I am working in you to build you and fortify you for the journey ahead.
You will over come any obstacles and road blocks that come in against
you just by keeping simple faith in Me.

I will see to it that you over come, for I have already decreed My
purpose in you. I have set it to be fulfilled in you, just as I did
with Abraham. You will overcome dear ones--not by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit. My word cuts through bone and marrow; the spirit and
truth and it will bring you into My very promise.

So, be not discouraged on your way when it appears to be marked by dark,
or shifting shadows of despair. I am the God of illumination and I will
cause your spirit to come up higher in Me when you encounter a famine
in the land.  Know that I allowed it to cause you to walk into your
destiny. I am causing you to be united to Me, knit to My spirit, so
that you might do My good purpose as I send you out before Me.

Abraham responded with obedience, trust and faithfulness. As with him,
so do I ask it of you.

So, stand strong in My presence; stand in the shadow of My wings. I
will cause you to come into My presence and My glory. Trust Me in this.
You will see My promise born to you, just as Abraham saw My promise
born to him when I blessed him with Isaac and made him the father of
many nations. Yes, I will bring you into the land that I have called
you to, just as I brought Abraham. I will make you great among your
descendants, and you will affect the nations of all the earth. I will
bring you to a new spiritual place, a new dimension and dwelling in My
Spirit and a new territory that I have marked out for you. 

Dear ones! When you hear My Call, remember to respond in simple trust.
Simply know that I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and just as
I was with them, so I will be with you.

Today I am thankful for this word, especially when I needed it so badly!

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