Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thankfulness Day 158:: Tomorrow

So we find out tomorrow about the condo.  Hubby and I are having mixed feelings about the whole thing but it's good to get out and start our life with just our family.  I've been so busy lately that I know my blogging is quite boring to say the least and I find that I barely have time to blog.

So I will just ask for prayer.  We need furniture, everything, in order to live on our own in a condo.  We also don't have much money to buy anything new so everything needs to be used or given free, that is our prayer.  We moved out of the Illinois 3,400 square ft home to now probably a 1,100 condo and we sold everything we had.  God is faithful to restore us and meet our needs so I'm praying for a miracle all the way down to a hose!

Join me?

Today I am thankful for my prayer blogging/internet/facebooking friends.

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