Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thankfulness Day 106:: Tanning Beds

Sometimes I am baffled at how so many of us in Sunny California, including me in my past, use tanning beds.  The sun is out here almost all the time but in our fast pace society it's just easier to jump into a tanning bed for 20 minutes then lay at the beach for 1 hour.  We live in an age where we want it and we want it now, no wonder I have no patience!  I do admit that I think I look much better with a tan but I don't want to have leathery spotted skin as I age so I stopped that tanning bed years ago. 

Did you know that in Cambodia tanned skin is a sign of lower class poverty?  They value white skin because it means you don't work out in the fields.  Their society places such high value on white skin that the women regularly use cream that will bleach their skin. 

Will we ever see a day when we are content with how God made us, each beautiful in their own way, and we don't need to measure up to the standards the world puts on us?  A day when we stop focusing inward on ourselves and start looking at the people around us and how God can use us to impact their lives?  We are already told that we are made in God's image and he makes all things beautiful.  If we truly believed that then maybe all the striving to be better, prettier, thinner, and more successful would stop and we could just be.

What is true beauty to you?

Today I am thankful that I have a creator who loves me and I only have to please Him.

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