Monday, May 10, 2010

Thankfulness Day 92 :: Your Legacy?

I was running at the gym and I didn't have my ipod (I never use it anyways!) So I started to read the screen that was up for the 4pm News.  I must have watched about 5 murders reported within the 45 minutes of my workout.  It really hits me hard to read about children murdered, raped, and innocent lives just taken.

So then I started thinking if my life is taken today what would I want my legacy to be?  How do I want to be remembered and am I making any effort to be that person?

This is what I would like my legacy to be::  A woman whose life was fully devoted to Christ who gave unselfishly to all showing compassion, grace, and forgiveness.  A mom who loved her children beyond measure and taught them the ways of the Lord and not the ways of the world.  A wife who supported her husband through any and every trial that was thrown their way and stood strong supporting their family in prayer.  A Christ follower to every extent of her being.

What would you like your legacy to be??

Today I am thankful for another day as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend.

1 comment:

Donna ~Blessed Nest said...

so glad to find your blog via MOMday Morning! I too am thankful for my family and health. I love your tutus! It'll be fun to get to know you more!

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